Expropriation search
The user can opt to search only for the expropriations of his interest, by modifying one or more of the search terms.
The user can search for a word or phrase in one of the following fields
- Project title
- Operational body
- Project code (MIS)
Regulatory framework
The user can search for expropriations according to their regulatory framework.
Geographical area
The user can search for expropriations according to the geographical area they belong to.
For the menu Expropriations->Geographical search, navigating to a different geographical level (Region->Prefecture->Municipality) must be done through the map tools.
Land procurement procedure
The user can search for expropriations according to the relevant land procurement procedure.
Development sectors
The user selects one or more of development sectors, related to the projects of his interest.
Average expropriation cost per sq.m.
The user can define a minimum and/or maximum cost of expropriation per sq.m.
Display results
The search results are displayed in a table.
The user has the option to click on a table line to navigate to the corresponding expropriation tab.
Useful definitions
- Expropriation budget : Budget amount of estimated cost of expropriation, according to the most recent data
- Declared area : Area declared for expropriation based on a Ministerial or other appropriate body Decision
- Estimated average cost : The quotient of the budget and the declared area.
- First declaration decision: The declaration date of the first in a series of decisions about the expropriation of needed areas in order to implement the project.
- 100% area assignment: The date on which the assignment of expropriated areas to the implementation body was completed.