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The NSRF 2007-2013 with maps and numbers.

We inform you that the site will not be available on Sunday 27/6/2021, due to maintenance


Θεσμικό πλαίσιο
Γεωγραφική περιοχή
Διαδικασία απόκτησης γης
Αναπτυξιακοί τομείς
Μέσο κόστος απαλλοτριώσεων ανά τ.μ.
  • ΠΡΟΫΠΟΛΟΓΙΣΜΟΣ ΑΠΑΛΛΟΤΡΙΩΣΕΩΝ : Προϋπολογισμός ποσού που εκτιμάται, σύμφωνα με τα πιο πρόσφατα στοιχεία, να κοστίσει η απαλλοτρίωση
  • ΚΗΡΥΧΘΕΙΣΑ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΕΙΑ : Επιφάνεια που έχει κηρυχθεί απαλλοτριωτέα με Υπουργική ή άλλη Απόφαση αρμόδιου οργάνου
  • ΕΚΤΙΜΗΣΗ ΜΕΣΟΥ ΚΟΣΤΟΥΣ ΑΠΑΛΛΟΤΡΙΩΣΕΩΝ : Το πηλίκο του προϋπολογισμού προς την κηρυχθείσα επιφάνεια σε €/τ.μ.
Last data update: Thursday, February 27, 2025
Usage description:

The map illustrates on a first level, the Regions of Greece. By selecting the corresponding area, a tab appears bearing the following information:

  • The total budget of expropriations being implemented in the corresponding Region per development sector.
  • The total area of expropriations being implemented in the corresponding Region per development sector.
  • The total budget of expropriations per development sector before taking into account the percentage of the corresponding Region.
  • The total area of expropriations per development sector before taking into account the percentage of the corresponding Region.
  • A list of projects containing the expropriations, with the expropriation's budget and area.
  • By clicking on a project title, the corresponding expropriation tab appears, with detailed data. By clicking 'Zoom', the Region's prefectures appear. The user selects the prefecture of its interest and a tab with the above data appears, but on a prefecture level.

    The balloon of each prefecture indicates 2 choices:

    • The user can select 'Zoom to country' and the map is restored to the 1st level (Regions).
    • The user can select 'Zoom to munipalities' to display the prefecture's municipalities, with similar capabilities.

    On the right side of the map, the user can find map-coloring tools.

    1st tool: Select field and number of classes

    Coloring can be done according to:
    • Expropriation budget : Budget amount of estimated cost of expropriation, according to the most recent data
    • Declared area : Area declared for expropriation based on a Ministerial or other appropriate body Decision
    • Estimated average cost : The quotient of the budget and the declared area.

    The user can select the desired field which will be used to color the map. The numbers used in the classes can be also further fine-tuned, bearing in mind that rules are applied in descending order.


    • The user selects that areas with expropriations' budget between 0 and 10.000 should be colored purple.
    • The next rule specifies that areas with expropriations' budget between 5.000 and 15.000 should be colored blue.
    • Areas with expropriations' budget between 0 and 5.000 will be colored purple.
    • Areas with expropriations' budget between 5.000 and 15.000 will be colored blue.

    Example #2

    • The user selects that areas with expropriations' average cost between 107 - 119 euros should be colored olive green.
    • The next rule specifies that areas with expropriations' average cost 1.118 euros and above should be colored green.

    • Areas with expropriations' average cost between 107-119 euros will be colored olive green.
    • Areas with expropriations' average cost above 1.118 euros will be colored green.
      • Areas with expropriations' average cost between 119 - 1.118 euros will not be colored and thus will not be selectable.

Για να μεταβείτε σε διαφορετικό γεωγραφικό επίπεδο, χρησιμοποιείστε τον χάρτη.